20 April 2009

Busy, busy spring

Quick, quick post to give family and friends an update. It's a sizzling day in Santa BArbara. Can hardly move. Is it going to another scorching summer this year? Yesterday we saw The Valkyries at the LA OPera. It was magnificent. I'm not crazy about Wagner. But I'm glad we made ourselves go see this second installment of The Ring Cycle. Placido Domingo as Siegmund was utterly incredible. Oh, he was amazing. What a treasure we have here in Southern California! An altogether awesome production. But long - 4 hours long!

We have friends/colleagues visiting and are trying to be good hosts. Stephan, Brangwyn and their adorable 4 month old are here from OZ. They will soon start living in Brisbane and we'll be seeing them there in December. Juan Porti from Barcelona is here too. So Daryl is having a merry old time thinking, eating, and breathing topology!!

School is winding down. Can you believe it? I have just a month left with my 3rd graders. next week they'll take the big California STAR tests. Hopefully they will be fine. Of course, I don't fret about stuff like this. I fret if I feel I haven't done enough fun stuff in class like poetry and music and art and literature!!

We're off to dinner with Stephan and Brangwyn, so ciao!!

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